In the last month we have gone to the zoo twice, thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Watson for giving us a year pass to the zoo and a wagon to carry our crazy kids around.
Maddock and Jaylee love it when we go. If you ask Maddock what his favorite animal is he will tell you its the "koala" and then he'll tell you you have to be quiet. Jaylee loves the farm part of the zoo where she gets to pet and chase the goats. Maddock was having fun posing for me on all the fake animals. So did Jaron, doesn't he make a nice turtle. Jaylee would hold still for a few pics but she was too busy trying to find all the animals.
As we were looking at the mountain lion he came right up the the fence just 2 feet away from us. Since I'm terrified of these animals my heart starts racing and it took everything I had not to run. But not Jaylee she stood there next to the fence just watching the lion. My kids are so much braver then me!!
All in all we had such a good time and I got the best work out ever pushing the wagon all over the zoo!