Jaron and Bethany
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
We are at Sherice's for a halooween party!!!! Jaylee is a cute little ballarina.
Jaron dressed up as a FOOTBALL PLAYER!!!!!
Where is Maddock? Well as soon as we got there Maddock wanted to watch the "train movie." So he is MIA for pictures.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Trick-or-Treat!!!! This is at the ward Trunk-or-Treat. Maddock went to ever car and said "Trick-or-Trreat" Then after they gave him the candy he would say" thankyou" I have a very candy lovin polite kid. So now if he wants us to give him candy he says trick- or- treat.
The two headed monster!!!!
As soon as I get pictures from Sherice's Party I will post them. They are so funny
Sunday, November 1, 2009
This is when Sherice and I went to Amy's halloween party!!! (from left to right) Sherice, Amy, Me, and Melanie.
Sherice and I bought matching halloween shirts!!! The Kids didn't get dressed up because they had to save their holloween stuff for the next 2 parties we went to.
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